Learn Quran with Tajweed

The Quran is the language of Allah Subhanaho won’t A’la. It is the medium through which he has communicated holy messages for the betterment of human beings. One must learn the Quran Tajweed to recite it correctly. We have created a complete Tajweed course to learn and recite all the rules. Our well-created courses have different difficulty levels. A beginner starts learning with the basic rules and continues to advanced modules.

What is Tajweed and How it Emerged?

Tajweed is an Arabic word that means to perfect or beautify. Learning Quran Tajweed means mastering or perfecting your recitation skills. It includes improving pronunciation and the way each letter is called. Improving your Tajweed can help convey the exact message as it is intended in the holy text.

The importance of Tajweed has emerged as Islam spread from Arab to non-Arab regions. The Arabic native didn’t have difficulty in recitation. However, the non-Arabs were unfamiliar with the language and started reciting it in their lexical styles. To help the non-Arabs improve their Quran recitation, Imam Abu Ubaid Al-Qasim Bin Salam (774-838CE) codified the linguistic rules and gave the concept of Tajweed. This is the reason why he is considered the pioneer of Tajweed.

How to Learn Quran with Tajweed?

Improving your Quran reading and recitation starts with understanding the basic rules. These rules were structured during the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) era to ensure the preservation of the Quran in its original form. We take our students step by step to become ardent readers and reciters of the Quran. Here are the modules. 

Mastering the Basics: Start with the basics to build a stronger foundation. Our teachers focus on the principal rules, including Tanween, Noon Sakin, Isti’athah, and Basmalah. 

Progression to Advance: Once a student masters the basics, he or she progresses to the advanced rules to further enhance his or her Quran recitation. The advanced rules to learn include Qalqalah and Al-Madd.  

Continued Practice: Learning rules are useless when you stop practicing them. We believe in extensive practice so that our students can start reciting the holy Quran like experts. We take our students to practice and compare their recitations with renowned reciters. We read while listening to an expert to compare line by line.  

Leveraging Online Resources: Taking a course can help you improve your recitation. However, you can achieve excellence by taking advantage of the online resources. Listen to Arabic speakers and their Qaris and Imams. You will learn how they enunciate each letter, word, and a’yath. 

Learn Quran Tajweed – Courses and Durations

  1. Foundation to Quran with Tajweed
  2. Progressive Tajweed Course
  3. Excellence in Tajweed

01. Foundation to Quran with Tajweed

Set out on a journey towards learning the Quran with all the basic rules. The foundation stage is more focused on teaching pronunciation. Our experts guide the students to develop listening and writing abilities and start recognizing words. With words, they are capable of making phrases and sentences. 

Learning Outcomes of Foundation to Quran Recitation 

  • Arabic alphabets and their sounds.
  • Arabic Reading and Writing.
  • Creation of Simple Sentences.
  • Vocabulary Acquisition. 
  • Quran Words Recognition. 
  • Memorizing selected short Surahs. 

The foundation stage is further classified into three levels: Basic Proficiency, Advanced Foundation, and Fluency Master. These are: 

  • Basic Proficiency—As the name suggests, students learn the basics of the Arabic language, such as Arabic letters and how they are pronounced. They study vowels and rules. This includes shadda, sukun, and differences in letters like Lam Qamariyya and Lam Shamsiyyah. It leads to learning the Arabic language’s preliminary reading and writing skills. Familiarizing themselves with Quranic verses helps students memorize the short surahs. 
  • Advanced FoundationLearning the core reading and writing skills takes students to advanced Arabic proficiency. Here, the teacher guides the students to try reciting complex sentence structures. They practice Tajweed rules more to perfect their skills. Now, students acquire the ability to read words from the Quran. 
  • Mastering Fluency—At this level, students become fluent in reading the Quran. They now grasp letters and their sounds. They are well aware of the words and can recite any verse of the Quran. They start understanding writing characteristics. As they practice enough, they can differentiate between correct and incorrect pronunciation.

02. Progressive Tajweed Course

Students who know the basics of the Quran with Tajweed can transcend to a progressive course to be more competent in recitation. The course focuses more on articulating letters and different forms of pauses in reading the Quran. It also teaches the Quran with Tajweed on three different levels. Each level is developed to help the students swiftly progress to perfection. 

Learning Outcomes of Progressive Tajweed Course:

  • Recognizing articulation points and characteristics of letters.
  • Learning phonological connection between Arabic alphabets.
  • Refining the art of starting and taking pauses. 
  • Familiarity with Hafs ‘an ‘Asim recitation.

Learning the Quran with Tajweed is not hard when you become familiar with the basics. However, this course is designed for people who can recognize words and verses in Arabic. The course is split into three levels that unfold Tajweed rules and practice techniques. The three levels are:

  • Articulation in TajweedStudents will be able to find and practice precise articulation of Arabic sounds. Mastering this skill is mandatory for fine-tuning your recitation. The instructors use visual mediums to help the students understand how Arabic letters are pronounced in the Quran. 
  • Attributes Exploration—Students will be able to interpret the distinct characteristics of Quranic sounds. This leads to learning the essential properties of sounds based on enunciation and letter partnership. Students get training on attributes by completing assignments, reading practice, and auditory exercises. 
  • Advanced Recitation – Moving to advanced recitation means gaining the ability to identify intricate details in sounds and their relationship. Students will learn Tajweed rules and experience them in starting and pausing recitation. 

03. Excellence in Tajweed

Achieving excellence is the end goal of learning the Quran with Tajweed. The initial two courses suit the needs of beginners and intermediate learners. However, Excellence in Tajweed is designed to take them through rigorous practice and testing. The students will further polish their Quran reading skills and achieve clarity. 

Learning Outcomes of Excellence in Tajweed Course:

  • Completion of the Holy Quran with the application of Tajweed rules.
  • Theoretical and practical application of the recitation rules.
  • Identification of correct and incorrect pronunciation.
  • Developing teaching capabilities of reading and reciting the Quran. 

Excellence in Tajweed is the completion stage. It helps students to implement their knowledge and practice in reciting the Quran. It is the time to exercise expertise and sound like an expert. Instructors reinforce the Tajweed rules and lead the students to the Quran Ijazah. The honorary entitlement connects your learnings to the preachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Who Should Enroll in the Quran with Tajweed Course?

Anyone intending to learn and recite the Quran with a sweet voice should enroll in our Tajweed course. Reading the Quran as usual may not help you connect spiritually with the holy message. You may or may not be able to recite each word correctly. With our Tajweed courses, you can enhance recitation and identify between current and incorrect pronunciation. Become an expert to be part of the noble cause in teaching the rules to further generations.

Anyone intending to learn and recite the Quran with a sweet voice should enroll in our Tajweed course. Reading the Quran as usual may not help you connect spiritually with the holy message. You may or may not be able to recite each word correctly. With our Tajweed courses, you can enhance recitation and identify between current and incorrect pronunciation. Become an expert to be part of the noble cause in teaching the rules to further generations.

Why Learn Quran with Tajweed?

Quran It is a medium through which Allah Subhanaho t’aala addresses a code of life to the Muslim Ummah. We have to learn Quran with Tajweed to recite as if communicating directly with Allah. We must achieve accuracy, native-like proficiency, and confidence when reading our holy book. 

What will you Learn in this Course?

The course teaches you Tajweed rules, sentence structures, and applied rules of Arabic grammar. It includes: 

  • Basics of Tajweed.
  • Makhaarij (Articulation Points of Letters).
  • Sifaat (Characteristics of Letters).
  • Qalqalah (Echoing Sounds).
  • Rules of Noon & Meem Mushaddadah.
  • Rules of Madd (Lengthening).
  • Rules of Qalb (Changing).
  • Waqa’f (Pausing & Stopping Rules).
  • Rules of Lam Al-Shamseeyah & Lam Al-Qamareeyah.
  • Levels of Tafkheem (Heavy) & Tarqeeq (Light).
  • Sakt (Silent Pause).
  • Ghunnah (Nasal Sound).
  • Idgham (Assimilation).

Enroll Now!

Take a course to learn from our expert instructors. They have developed proficiency in reciting the Quran accurately. Get your lessons along with practice to master the rules you learn and see them in use. We have devised a comprehensive curriculum to ensure your learning experience is smooth and hassle-free. To help you test how it works, we can also arrange demo classes. To experience it, Register Now!

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